Planning a Road Trip

All the beautiful printables and checklists for planning an epic road trip!

Surviving an 8 Hour Trip: Plan for Perfection

My family and I just completed an 8 hour road trip out west! We had a long drive and decided to split the driving up into 8 hour chunks. I think this a great amount of time to drive in a day.  An 8 hour drive is the ideal length for a road trip. This…

Google Maps Rest Stops

Can Google Maps Show Rest Stops? Find the best ones!

Planning your road trip in Google maps is simple and easy. You already have the app on your phone and you probably already know the basics.  While you are using Google Maps, select “search along route” from the menu and search rest area. The app will display a list of rest stops that are along…

Stress Free Road Trip Planning

The Best Day to Leave on a Road Trip: Save HOURS

Nothing can ruin a road trip like traffic. When you have flexibility to choose your vacation start day, make the most of it by avoiding traffic! In the USA, the best day to travel to avoid traffic is Sunday. Sunday traffic can be as much as 60% less than weekday travel. Look at local trends…

Pointing at a road map, with a suitcase and the words, How much should we drive each day

Best Miles Per Day for a Road Trip?

When planning a road trip you should plan to drive no more than 10 hours or 6-700 miles a day. You can drive more hours if you have two drivers. Less experienced drivers should plan to drive fewer miles, and families with young children should plan frequent breaks.  The biggest factor to consider is sleep….

Planning a 2 Month Road Trip Across the USA

You can see a lot in the United States in 2 to 3 months! Here are 2 plans you may want to follow if you are planning a 2 month road trip across America.  See It All (Bucket List Style) If you have a definite goal for what to see and what to do, this…

How long should a road trip be?

An ideal road trip is 8 days long. Choose a destination that is about 7 hours from home, schedule breaks every two hours if you have any children in car seats, and plan the trip at least thirty days in advance to reduce travel stress.  Road trips are a great idea this summer and eight…

Keys to a Stress Free Vacation

6 Ways to Make Your Road Trip Stress-Free

Family vacation might be a given for your family, a yearly tradition or a predictable part of the holidays.  Well planned vacations can strengthen family communication, relationships and unity. Family vacations are a great way to spend time together and create shared memories and enjoy one another.  A stressful, poorly planned trip that causes stress…

Create A Family Bucket List

Creating a family bucket list is a great way to pre-plan the next few years of vacations and will make sure everyone gets to satisfy that deep wanderlust.  You can start by downloading this free printable to make this happen! Start by having everyone in the family make their own list Have everyone in your…

How to Pack for a Family Road Trip

YES! It’s time, time to cash out those vacation hours.  Packing for the road trip is a great way to build anticipation for your family, and this is key to making sure the trip is fun for everyone.  Talk it up and start planning early.  Build Anticipation Start by making a list and post it…

Red desk with pen, paper, and calculator

How to Budget for a Year of Vacations

I want you to have the best year of your family’s life this year! I have talked about lots of ways you can make the year special, and I hope that you have started putting them all on the calendar. If you have not planned a year of fun and adventure for your family, lets…