How to keep car cup holders clean?

  • By: Sabina
  • Date: November 12, 2021
  • Time to read: 4 min.

My car cup holders can get very dirty, and keeping them clean makes my whole car look and smell a lot better. 

I keep cup holders clean by lining them with washcloths, always bring in drinks when you leave the car, and wipe them out often. It will be helpful to give kids, or other passengers a trash can in the back seat so that they will not be tempted to put trash in the cupholders. 

I am often shocked when I get in the back of the van and find that the kids have made a mysterious soup in the cup holders. When the cup holders are clean the whole car instantly looks better! The clean car is a dream of many and a rare reality in mom-dom. 

How to keep the cup holders clean?

Starting with clean cup holders, a washcloth folded in half. I prefer to use washcloths over special car coasters because I already have them at home and they are easy to take out and just throw in the laundry. It’s also handy to have washcloths in the car. 

These liners will make them easy to clean and establishing a few habits will make sure that you do not have to clean them too often! 

Make sure you have a designated place for trash in your car. There are gorgeous speciality car trash cans available on Amazon, but a box lined with a shopping bag is just as effective. I like to use a diaper box behind the driver’s seat. This allows the driver and passengers access to the trash. If you have a third row, put another box or basket in the back seat so that nothing yucky ends up in the cup holders. 

Any drinks you have in the car need to follow you inside when you leave the car. Make drinks the first thing you grab. Paper drink cups can leak when you leave them in the hot car, coffee and tea with cream grow mold, smoothies will turn into an odd jerky. These things will smell bad. Make sure you grab these first. Leave the junk mail and random toys for the second trip. 

How to clean cup holders (for the squeamish)

What if you need to get the gunk out of the cup holders first and, like me, you don’t want to touch that sludge? Start with those washcloths or paper towels.

My kids love to dump liquid into cup holders, if yours are full, just throw in a washcloth or a few paper towels while you are cleaning other areas in the car. After a few minutes take out the washcloth (and put it right on into the laundry) or paper towels (and throw them away) then spray some cleaner into the cups and wipe them out with a fresh cloth. 

If you have dried sticky cup holders, spray the washcloth with cleaner or soapy water and let it sit for a few minutes, then remove the cloth and throw it in the laundry. 

How often do I need to clean out the cup holders?

Any time you eat or drink in the car, check the cup holders before you leave the car. The best way to keep the cup holders clean is to wipe them out frequently. Teach your kids to bring in any trash and throw it right in the trash can. 

How to clean up liquid spills in the car?

If there is a spill in the car and you are driving, it is safest to wait until it is safe to stop before you try to clean it up. 

If you spill a sticky liquid like soda, juice or chocolate milk, wipe it up first with paper towels or a cloth, then go over the surface with baby wipes or a wet cloth. It is important to clean these up as quickly as possible so that they do not become permanent sticky spots. Milk spills can also be homes for bugs! 

What cleaning supplies should I keep in the car?

It is a good idea to keep a few supplies available at all time. My favorite tool is this car vacuum. Having a car vacuum makes keeping the car clean so much easier, you can clean up anywhere and anytime and avoid special trips to the car wash. It is also a good idea to keep those fast food napkins handy for spills and nose blowing! 

I find that if my cup holders are clean it makes the whole car feel cleaner. Time for me to go take my own advice!

Are your cup holders clean?

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