Traveling with a baby can require a lot of packing, and with formula there are a few ways to make packing easier and less stressful.
These 11 tips from seasoned road trip mamas can make the trip a lot easier, cleaner and less stressful.
1. Pack All You’ll Need
Pack enough formula for the whole trip. I know many mamas who have had trouble finding their formula when traveling.
Try not to switch formulas while away from home it may cause an unexpected allergy or discomfort for your sweet baby.
If you are traveling for a long time you can call ahead to stores in the area to see if they stock the formula you use or mail some to your destination.
2. Pre Measure For Travel Days
Use a formula measuring container to pre measure formula for travel days. This can make stops faster and easier.
Keep everything you need to feed the baby in one bag that is easy to reach. You need to stop about every two hours when you are traveling with a baby, so be ready to get out quickly.
I like to make this bag brightly colored so I can easily describe it when I ask someone else to grab it.
You can use a tote if it fits your packing area better, but keep a grab and go bag handy too.
3. Pack Dish Soap
The most difficult part about traveling with bottles and formula is the washing. Be sure to pack a small bottle of dish soap so you are ready to wash the bottles.
Any sink will work, but you want a good dish soap to really get the bottles clean.
Dollar Tree often has very small bottles that are handy for travel.
4. Choose Drop In Bottle Liners
If you want to avoid as much washing as possible, you may choose to use bottle liners.
Playtex makes liners that drop into the bottle and hold the formula. This means you will only have to wash nipples!
These work best when used with liquid formula, so bring another mixing bottle or choose the pre-mixed liquid formulas if they are available in your preferred brand.
5. Use Kiinde For Picky Babies
If your baby uses only one kind of nipple, you can use a Kiinde feeding system with their preferred nipple.
Kiinde comes with a variety of adapters that allow you to add any nipple to their pouch. You have to buy the starter set or gift set (linked above) to get the adapters.
These work best with liquid formula, so grab premixed or mix the formula in another container before filling the pouches.
So load up the pouch with the formula and add the nipples that your baby is used to and just throw away the pouch when you are done.
I used these bottles for trips, but my babies hated the nipple. The adapters fix this problem.
I do see the sets used on marketplace so you could grab the adapters from a set and just buy the Kiinde bottles and pouches!
6. Get A Water Heater Not A Bottle Warmer
Use this water warmer to warm the water, not the whole bottle on the road. I like this because you can use the warm water for so much more than making warm bottles.
Use it to prepare instant coffee, make cup noodles or tea!
This water warmer is designed for making bottles and it has a rechargeable battery so it does not need to be plugged in when in use. Charge it at night and you can use it all day to make warm bottles.
It even suggests you could use it on your night side table to do night feeds, genius.
7. Pack a Drying Pad
Pack a bottle brush and drying pad with your dish soap so you can clean and dry bottles wherever you are.
Clear off a shelf or counter to dry your bottles and you have a very good setup for washing bottles.
If your baby is younger than 6 months consider using a microwavable sterilizer bag to keep the bottles extra clean.
8. Use Pre-Mixed Formula
Pre-mixed liquid formula is very convenient for a road trip. It is shelf stable and does not require water to prepare.
Some of the bottles can even be used by screwing a nipple to the top!
If you are using drop in liners or Kiinde pouches, I recommend the pre-mixed formula.
9. Send Ahead If Space Is Limited
If you need to pack lightly you can send yourself a package with your formula to your destination.
Stock up at home, pack the formula into a box and send it to your destination. Call your accommodations ahead to let them know it will be arriving.
Hikers do this on long hikes to replenish their supplies while on the trail.
10. Wash Bottles Daily
Be sure to wash bottles each day to avoid bacteria or mold growth.
Each night take all your dirty bottles and nipples and wash them in warm soapy water and let them air dry.
The American Academy of Pediatrics has updated advice and bottle washing tips in the linked post.
I like to keep my dirty bottles in a ziploc in the cooler to keep them from getting sour and moldy until I can wash them.
You can also use a microwave sterilizer bag if you want to be extra cautious or if you pediatrician recommends it for your baby.
11. Pack Water (Or a Filter?)
If you are using powdered formula, don’t forget to pack water.
You can use bottled water, but I find that we go through it so quickly on a trip, so I like to have a backup filter as well.
We love the Travel Berkey for when we are at a hotel or staying away from home, but it would be cumbersome in the car.

How to Pack Formula
So when you are packing the car, be sure you have enough formula for the trip within arm’s reach.
I have found a basket under the seat to be very convenient for diapers, bibs, blankets and feeding supplies.
Measure your day’s formula and pack it with the water, bottles, warmer and bag for dirty bottles in a basket that you can reach easily.
There are a few ways you may want to pack the actual formula.
Pre measure
Premeasure enough formula for the day into a travel container. This is probably how you prep for any outing with your little one, so you probably already have everything you need for this.
This will make it faster to get the bottles ready, if you use warm water, warm it in a travel warmer before mixing the formula.
Use Premixed
If at all possible, use premixed so that you don’t have to worry about water. If you are traveling with a cooler, you can store any opened bottles in there between feeding.
If the formula you use is not available as a liquid, do not try a new formula while you are away from home. It could result in allergy, gas or constipation. Not worth it.
Buy smaller bottles so that you will not have to store the opened containers for very long. They are generally available in 4oz, 8oz and quart size bottles.
If your baby prefers warmed bottles use a travel bottle warmer.
The unopened bottles do not need to be refrigerated and can be stored at room temperature.
Pack Water
If you cannot get mixed, be sure to do the math on how much water you will need. My family goes through so much water when we are traveling! We are not used to having to carry all our water with us and it shows.
You can usually buy water if you run out, but try to keep a special stash of bottle water and replenish it for the trip home.
How Much Formula To Pack
The best way to know how much formula you will need is to keep a record at home. Use an app or a simple notebook to track how much formula your baby is eating each day.
This can give you a good idea of how much formula you will need to pack.
You can also use this chart to give you a good estimate.
Age | Per Day | Per Week |
0-1 Month | 8-24 oz | 56-168 oz |
2-3 Months | 24 – 36 oz | 168 – 252 oz |
4-6 Months | 24 – 36 oz | 168 – 252 oz |
Chart adapted from What To Expect
Use this chart as a guide, but be sure to talk to your pediatrician about how much your baby is eating as they know YOUR baby and their specific needs.
It is possible that your baby will eat less on the road trip. All my kids have eaten less, and slept more on long trips.
If your baby starts eating less just be sure to monitor your baby for signs of dehydration and try to stick to a normal feeding routine as much as possible.
How to Clean Bottles on the Road
The biggest challenge when traveling with bottles is getting them clean.
I have a few ideas to get around this problem and a system for using what you have.
Create Fewer Dishes
One way to deal with dishes is to eliminate as many as possible. There are a few ways you can do this while traveling.
Be sure to use formula safety guidelines from the American Academy of Pediatrics and don’t mix it too far ahead and don’t water it down.
Bag System
The first time I traveled with bottles I had been given a Kiinde system. My baby did not like the nipple on the original system, but now there is a very affordable bottle kit that allows any nipple type to be used.
A Kiinde system allows you to pour milk or formula into the pouch, screw the pouch or bag into the bottle and discard the pouch when the feeding is done.
With this system you would only have nipples to wash.
Drop In System
Playtex has the drop in bottle inserts that accomplish the same thing. These disposable drop in bottle liners allow you to put the formula into the bag and discard it when the feeding is done.
Again, with this system you would only have nipples to clean.
Pre-Mixed Formula
The easiest way to use formula on the go is to use pre pre-mixed formula. These are shelf stable, do not need to be refrigerated until open and do not require you to find water.
Pre-mixed formula can be purchased in quarts or smaller 4 or 8 ounce bottles.
Use pre-mixed formula with the Kiinde system or Playtex Drop ins and you will have a very simple formula solution.
The smaller bottles may allow you to screw the nipple directly to the bottle. Very convenient when traveling.
So you will just be washing nipples.
Washing Bottles on a Long Trip
You will need to wash the feeding supplies at least once a day. You can wash them whenever you have a sink available, if you need to sterilize bottles get a microwave sterilization kit to use at a hotel.
After feeding your baby put the dirty bottles and nipples in a bag or container to store for washing. I like to use a large ziploc and put the dirty stuff in the cooler to keep it from growing mold.
Whenever you have a sink available, wash the bottles with warm soapy water and air dry them on a clean surface.
If you would like to you can use microwave sanitizing bags as an extra step to ensure very clean bottles.
It may be uncomfortable to wash bottles in small sinks, and you can avoid this by using a pouch or liner system, then you will only have to wash nipples and rings.

Flying with Formula
We travel by car most of the time, but flying with a formula is very similar.
The biggest difference between driving and flying with formula is your packing space. When you fly you will need to pack a bit smarter.
Formula is considered a medical necessity and TSA should be no problem getting through security with your formula.
In your baby bag you should carry enough bottles for the whole travel day. Pack a large ziploc to keep any dirty items until you arrive. Pack a small amount of soap as well so you can wash things if the need arrises.
Solid dish soap bars can be easier to carry when you are flying.
Pack a microwave sterilizer bag and book hotels that provide a microwave and minifridge.
If your little one is used to warmed bottles, consider how you plan to warm bottles en route or give room temperature bottles a try.
There are some great rechargeable bottle warmers that can easily be used while traveling.
You could try to simplify by offering room temperature bottles and see how your baby reacts.
If you find you must warm bottles you may be able to ask for hot water and warm bottles on your flight by placing them in a cup of hot water.
There are also portable water warmers (affiliate link) available that are a bit more versatile than bottle warmers. I find this a really helpful gadget as you can use it to heat water for instant coffee, mixing formula or making ramen in the car.
Be sure to pack enough formula to feed your baby for the whole trip and have a plan for washing your bottles and nipples. Pack dish soap and a bottle brush or choose a disposable bottle liner kit. A microwave sterilization bag is a great way to keep everything very clean for young babies.