Hearing Protection for Kids

  • By: Sabina
  • Date: August 21, 2021
  • Time to read: 5 min.

Your wild travels and adventures might land you in some loud places! I have hearing protection for all of my kids and we have used it since they were infants. I know you would never want to damage your child’s hearing, so lets look at what we can do to protect it! 

Parents should have a plan to protect their children’s hearing when they are attending any event where there are loud noises such as fireworks or shooting range or sustained high volume such as a concert or dirt bike riding. 

When do I need to use hearing protection for my kids?

Noises over 85 dB can cause hearing loss over prolonged exposure, and exposure to 110 dB for just 5 to 15 minutes can damage hearing permanently. These limits are set by OSHA an organization that creates regulations for workplace safety. 

I had no idea what that meant, so I dug in to find some examples. 

Activities Decibels 
Ideal Level for White Noise for Sleep 60-75 dB
Flushing a Toilet70 dB
Driving on a highway at 65 mph70 dB
Food Processor/ Blender80-90 dB
Sporting Event105 dB
Popping a Balloon120 dB
Lawnmower120 dB
Fireworks140 dB

So if your teenager mows lawns frequently, hearing protection is in order. 

If your family is going to a live concert order hearing protection for everyone!

We chose to get hearing protection for everyone because my husband is a drummer and we are in loud, concert settings weekly! There are some super cute pictures of my squishy babies in huge ear muffs! 

I think it is super great to have hearing protection available for the kids, so that you are able to say yes if you get the chance to attend a super cool, but super loud event. I’m all about being prepared for adventure. 

A Note About White Noise 

White noise is known to help adults and children sleep better. It is important that the noise is loud enough to be effective which seems to be about 70 dB (level of normal car noise) but not louder than 80 dB (level of a blender) which would make it potentially harmful to hearing. 

How to choose hearing protection

There are 2 main types of hearing protection: ear plugs and ear muffs. 


Earplugs are designed for adults, they are often made of foam and go inside the ear. They are suitable for children if they are not too big. A parent should help a child use earplugs correctly. 

They reduce the chance of hearing injury by blocking sound waves from entering the ear. Earplugs are the cheapest and most readily available form of hearing protection.

If your child is 6 or older you can use a moldable putty earplug like Mack’s Silicone Earplugs to protect ears from loud noises. I have found this available at some gas stations! 

Ear Muffs 

Ear muffs sit outside the ear and cover them completely. They are connected together and are reusable there are several brands designed especially for children. I have EMs for Bubs and Mpow. I like the EMs for our infants up to about an year, then we switch to the Mpow ones as the kids get older and outgrow the EMs.   

Hearing Protection for Toddlers

I have found that Ear Muff type hearing protection is the best for most applications with my toddlers. 

Easy to put onPuts pressure on head
Easy to keep track ofMore expensive than earplugs 
Packs in the Baby Bag Easily
Fits securely

Hearing Protection for Babies 

If you are going to be in a loud environment, like a concert, air show, or loud church service, use hearing protection for your baby. Ear Muff style hearing protection will protect your baby’s delicate hearing. Ask for a pair of ear muffs for your baby shower if you are a family that spends a lot of time in loud environments. 

 I have used EMs for Bubs for all of my 4 children until about age 1. The band on these can be replaced to make it bigger if they are working for your child, but I upgrade to the Mpow ear muffs once my children get a bit older. 

Can loud noises cause hearing loss in children?

Exposure to loud noise for a prolonged time or one time exposure to extremely loud noise can cause permanent hearing loss in children. Measles, chicken pox, meningitis, head injury  and heredity can also lead to permanent childhood hearing loss. Excessive ear wax or ear infections can cause temporary hearing loss. 

Make sure you are prepared to protect your child’s hearing. The damage may be permanent. 

Best Headphones for Monster Jam?

Monster Jam is a great event for kids and we have been several times! It is fast, fun and incredibly loud. They do sell ear plugs and novelty tire shaped ear protection at most events, but it is in limited supply. 

I recommend that you buy MPop Ear Muff style hearing protection and pack it! You may want to practice wearing it with your child so you can check the fit and see if they are uncomfortable. I also recommend that you get ear plug putty or foam ear plugs as back ups if your children do not keep their ear muffs on for longer periods. 

Best Headphones for Church

Many churches keep track of the dB of their service in order to comply with local ordinances. Services can often exceed 85 dB and could be damaging to children’s hearing or challenging for kids with sensory processing disorders. 

We pack ear muff style hearing protection for all our kids for every church service. I would never have thought of it if there was not another family who was using hearing protection. I am so grateful for this family, because it inspired me to protect my children’s hearing. If you are worried about looking weird, know that you could be helping other families and protecting life long hearing for their children. 

I hope I have convinced you to add hearing protection to your super stocked baby bag. This could be life changing for your child. 

Have you ever used hearing protection for your kids?

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