Budget Travel

All the best ways to save money on your next family road trip.

How to Eat on a Road Trip

How to Cook on a Road Trip: A Handy Guide

 When you spend many days on the road, like on a road trip, it is handy to be able to cook food in the car! My family does this often, so here is what we do.  My husband was a full time truck driver for many years and he cooked breakfast and lunch in the…

Spontaneous Road Trip

What Is a Spontaneous Road Trip? (How to take one)

A spontaneous road trip is a great way to spend a long weekend or even a lazy Saturday. What exactly is a spontaneous road trip and how can you enjoy one? A spontaneous road trip is a road trip that is not planned in advance. Spontaneous road trips can be hours or days long, but…

Should I quit and travel?

Should I Quit My Job for a Road Trip? 7 Other Options

Yesterday was my husband’s last day at his day job. Should you quit your job to travel? Have you been planning a long road trip and dream of being able to travel for more than two weeks? Most people cannot afford to simply quit their job and travel full time, where is the money coming…

Can I take a road trip without hotels?

Can I Take a Road Trip Without Hotels? 11 Alternatives

When planning a road trip the biggest cost is gas, followed by lodging! There are lots of options that you can try out to save a buncha money or have a new experience on your next road trip.  There are a lot of really interesting and comfortable places to stay when on a road trip,…

Are road trips bad for your car

Are Road Trips Bad for Your Car?

Planning a summer trip is exciting and there are so many things to think about. You may have one of those dream road trips, but is it ok to drive my car that much?  Cars are designed to be driven long and short distances. A longer trip will put more wear and tear on your…

Are Road Trips Expensive? 81+ road trip pros tell the TRUTH!

When I added up the numbers from our last road trip I was shocked to find that we had spent over $4,000! Road trips have lots of costs, and the total can add up fast.  Road trips cost between $1,500 and $10,000 or more with an average cost of $3,750. Using credit card points and…

Hotels Vs Camping on a Road Trip: Which is best for a family

When planning a long road trip, lodging is the first thing I plan. For our recent trip it ended up being the largest cost, so it makes sense to look for the cheapest option.  Camping is a better option for large families who will have to use 2 hotel rooms. This not only cuts down…

6 (Almost) Free Vacation Plans

I’ve got 6 ideas for a family vacation on a TINY budget! Let the good times roll! These ideas can be used by any family at any time of year when you just need a fun adventure.  House Swap/ House Sit There are opportunities all over the world to house sit or pet sit in…

Red desk with pen, paper, and calculator

How to Budget for a Year of Vacations

I want you to have the best year of your family’s life this year! I have talked about lots of ways you can make the year special, and I hope that you have started putting them all on the calendar. If you have not planned a year of fun and adventure for your family, lets…

55 Vacation Inspiration Ideas

This is a list intended to give you some ideas you could personalize and flesh out for your family.  Just scroll through the list and see if anything stands out to you, do some research in your local area to find some new destinations. Once you have found something interesting take a look at your…