Planning a long road trip is a big task. I am working on planning a big trip for my family and I made these great lists to make the process easier for you and your family!
Choose 8-10 tops for each adult and 4-5 bottoms. Children should have 10-12 tops and 5-6 bottoms. Babies should have 2-3 additional outfits. Be sure to include a jacket, sandals, socks and underwear. This should allow you to pack relatively lightly, but still comfortably.
Road trips allow you to pack more than you could when flying or traveling by train or bus, take advantage of this by packing enough to be comfortable.
You will need to make plans for laundry and pack laundry supplies.

What To Pack for A Month Long Trip for Adults
Road trips are great because you can visit so many places, but all those placeAs require a variety of outfits.
The packing list from this list will give you comfort in a variety of climates and activities.
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Tops – 8
Pack a few short sleeve shirts that fit loosely and cover your shoulders for walking or outdoor exploring. They will keep you from a painful sunburn.
I wear tank tops under my shirts, so I pack 6-7 tank tops. I like them for sleeping and they make it easier for me to nurse my babies.
Bottoms- 4
Choose a pair of neutral colored pants, a pair of shorts, a skirt and a few pairs of leggings.
Black or khaki pants are good for dressing up or down. These travel pants look nice, require no ironing and pack really well. The reviews are fantastic and the color choices are beautiful.
A hoodie or light jacket and a sweater will be perfect for most trips. If you are traveling to a cold climate add a heavy jacket.
Outerwear is difficult because it is so bulky and it takes up a lot of space in your luggage.
Specific travel garments like this travel jacket pack really small and they are available in a lot of colors.
I am not great at shoes. I usually only own one pair of work shoes, one pair of sneakers and one pair of flip flops.
I think three is a great number for traveling.
Flip flops or Teva sandals are very versatile and comfortable. I love my Rainbow flip flops and they have served me well for many years.
2 Bras and 7-8 pairs of underwear is likely enough. Choose comfortable ones that you already own.
If you will be doing regular workouts or hikes bring 2 sports bras to wear one and wash one.
3 pajama outfits will keep you comfortable and give you options for hanging out in the hotel or relaxing.
Be sure to have presentable PJs if you will be staying with family as you may meet someone on your way to the bathroom.
What To Pack for A Month Long Trip for Kids

Packing for kids is a bit trickier as they can require mid day outfit changes. I recommend that you add 2 back up outfits for kids over 3 years old and 3 for kids under 3.
Be sure to involve your kids in choosing their clothes so that they get to include their favorites.
If you have a child who is very particular about their clothes (or two kids who are very particular, like me), you may want to pack a few extra so you always have options to offer them.
Tops – 10
Choose 10 tops and be sure to include: t-shirts, long sleeve t-shirts and dress up shirts.
A few more than mom and dad in case you need to change an outfit mid day.
Consider packing things that they already like and wear. New clothes can feel itchy and uncomfortable to some children.
I like to do:
3 long sleeve
5 short sleeve
2 dress up
Bottoms – 5
Pack pants and shorts that your child likes to wear.
How many you choose of each may depend on your kid or your destination. My older son always prefers pants. No matter how hot it is, he is wearing his dino sweats.
I always have shorts to offer, but I keep it simple by including his favorites.
I like to do:
3 shorts
2 pants
Outerwear – 2
One hoodie and one jacket will meet the needs of most trips.
The hoodie can be comfortable on cold spring nights and the jacket can be worn in a chilly restaurant.
Travel jackets for kids are so cool and pack very small. This is helpful for our large family as jackets can easily fill up a whole suitcase.
Shoes – 2-3
A solid pair of Crocs can be a great shoe for a vacation, but I like to have a backup pair in case they get left somewhere.
If you will be attending any formal events be sure to pack a nice shoe that will fit the occasion.
Of course, if your child is in the boots phase (all boots all the time), they work well and can help keep outfits clean and feet dry.
I go with:
Rain Boots
Underwear – ??
Underwear will depend on where you are on the potty training spectrum.
Even older kids my have accidents when in a new location, so pack extras or pack an extra pack in case you need it.
I like to pack:
5-6 pairs for 7 and up
7-10 pairs for 4-6
20 pairs for new potty users
Diapers can be tricky on a road trip, you can find my formula for packing diapers and my tips for using diapers on a road trip in the linked post.
There is a magic number and you can find it in the post.
How To Pack Kid’s Clothes On A Road Trip
There are a few ways to pack and organize all these clothes on your trip. I have tried them all and here are my opinions on the matter.
Pack in Outfits
In the past I have packed the kid’s clothes rolled into outfits with socks and underwear and pulled out one outfit per day, but when you are traveling for a month this is not the best strategy.
The rubber bands just end up floating around in the suitcases and laundry will be easier if you are not worried about grouping outfits together.
I do recommend that you keep 2 nicer outfits for each child separate for any dress up occasions.
Pack Individual Suitcases
I find that it is easier to pack the kids clothes together. Their clothes are smaller and generally will fit in one suitcase.
We have a large family so I pack the boy’s clothes together and the girl’s clothes together.
These drawers are excellent for the trunk, but they cannot easily be transported to a hotel room or AirBnB.
I recommend these wire frame tote bags to keep everything organized but portable. They are available in lots of sizes and colors.
Pack By Day
If you have a very structured itinerary, you may choose to pack bags by day or by destination.
You may have a beach bag that includes all the outfits for that stop and a museum day that includes all that is needed for that stop.
I like this method when you have some big events on your trip.
I like to keep a bathing suit bag that contains all the bathing suits, swim diapers, sunscreen, hair elastics and cover ups.
I pack a first night bag to grab for our first stop to make getting in and getting settled easier.
If you are traveling longer term, it is not always practical to pre-pack all the bags. So plan to make bags each time you do laundry.
Doing Laundry on a Long Road Trip
Laundry facilities should be planned out before you finish packing.
Be sure to pack laundry supplies like detergent, dryer sheets and any stain removers that you use at home. Avoid using new detergent on the road in case of an allergy.
I like to put dirty laundry in a pillow case as it is small to pack and easy to wash. You could also pack a few extra trash bags for this purpose, but I find them less sturdy.
Visit Friends
The best way to do laundry on a trip is to stop at a friend’s house to do it!
If you will be visiting friends and family on this trip, plan to run a load or two of laundry. Call ahead to ask.
Be sure to thank them for their hospitality, maybe load the dishwasher to say thank you.
The laundromat is a very convenient way to get laundry done on the road. It can be difficult to find a way to entertain the kids while you wait for clothing, so research before you go.
Some laundromats offer free wifi, vending machines or even full kitchens!
Charge up the tablets and let them watch a show or movie while the laundry spins.
You can also cut costs and time by washing at the laundromat and hang-drying clothes if space permits.
A simple drying rack can be used in a small space.
Camp Laundry
Many campsites and cabins offer laundry facilities.
These may be free or paid, so bring your quarters.
Call ahead if you have planned stops to see if the laundry facilities are working and available. Even if it is a bit more expensive, this very convenient option is great for families.
You can save money by line drying at your site where it is permitted.
Consider an AirBnB instead of a traditional hotel. These often have laundry facilities available for guests.
This convenient, affordable option is a great way to get the laundry done comfortably.
Portable Washer and Line Dry
There are many ways to DIY yourself a laundry solution. A bucket and plunger can be used to agitate the laundry and you can ring it out by hand.
You could also use this nicer version of the bucket washer that allows you to manually spin dry. I think this makes it a lot more possible to wash clothing for more than one person by hand.
Laundry on the Road
I have a whole guide to doing laundry on the road which gives you a few more options and creative solutions.
There are also some great tips for making it easier and other ideas for places to get your clothes clean.